I rather dislike apathy and complacency.
Okay, I really really REALLY hate it, and here's why.
A wise man once said that whatever we do in life will be insignificant, but that it is important that we do it anyways. Far too many people remain stagnant in their thoughts and emotions and actions out of extreme complacency and selfish apathy. We should never talk ourselves out of moving forward because we believe our actions to be insignificant.
I used to refuse to follow politics and current affairs and the like. This rather ludicrous decision of mine stemmed from a few places- disinterest mainly. Also, there were no major elections being held at the time. I'm sure arrogance factored in somewhere.The most disturbing motivation, however, was that I believed because I was one I could not make a difference.
I was quite wrong. "One" is the difference between so many things.
This whole revelation has been building for a while, and I'm not about to sit still on the heels of it. I've decided to start regularly reading a couple of newspapers to know what's going on. When I get back to the states I am going to register to vote. I may be only one college student, but goshdarnit I am going to try my hardest to make a difference or to at least show a bit of interest in the goings on of others. This whole not caring business is rather selfish and hardhearted. I want my soul back; somewhere in the past few years it was eaten up with cynicism and apathy. If I stop caring this early in life, then there is little hope for the rest of my time.
Okay, I really really REALLY hate it, and here's why.
A wise man once said that whatever we do in life will be insignificant, but that it is important that we do it anyways. Far too many people remain stagnant in their thoughts and emotions and actions out of extreme complacency and selfish apathy. We should never talk ourselves out of moving forward because we believe our actions to be insignificant.
I used to refuse to follow politics and current affairs and the like. This rather ludicrous decision of mine stemmed from a few places- disinterest mainly. Also, there were no major elections being held at the time. I'm sure arrogance factored in somewhere.The most disturbing motivation, however, was that I believed because I was one I could not make a difference.
I was quite wrong. "One" is the difference between so many things.
This whole revelation has been building for a while, and I'm not about to sit still on the heels of it. I've decided to start regularly reading a couple of newspapers to know what's going on. When I get back to the states I am going to register to vote. I may be only one college student, but goshdarnit I am going to try my hardest to make a difference or to at least show a bit of interest in the goings on of others. This whole not caring business is rather selfish and hardhearted. I want my soul back; somewhere in the past few years it was eaten up with cynicism and apathy. If I stop caring this early in life, then there is little hope for the rest of my time.